Danseuse Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris
“If I were still working at the Crazy, I’d hire you on the spot!” Sophie Bernardin, daughter of the Crazy Horse founder, Alain Bernardin, tells her. Within a split second, the heir of the Crazy legacy recognises the charisma of this young woman babysitting her grand-daughter and plants that idea into her head… Two years later, the idea has taken root and Lila Magnetic passionately magnetizes the Crazy Horse stage in an international career that will fill her with happiness.
Danseuse Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris
Première at Crazy Horse
June 2011
Favorite color
Midnight purple
What I hate the most
The failings of man in general
“I love what I do! I never dreamed of loving a job as much as I do this one!”
Danseuse Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris
Dancer Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris By Victor Point
“A whole new world opened up to me, the legendary stage, the magnificent costumes, the feminine accesories, the incredible shoes…”
“On stage I try to project the best version of myself, a vision of the ideal woman” “If I can transmit that emotion to the women in my life, it means that I’m on the right track”
Danseuse Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris

How did you get your stage name?

My favorite color is that of lilac. When I got here, everyone noticed my purple accessories! And “Magnetic”? Well, you tell me!


How did you become passionate about dancing?

When I was a child I had a slight supination of the feet and the doctors suggested I take up classical dancing to correct for it. So, thank you doctor!


How did you get into dancing?

I started classical dancing at age five in Brittany. When I was twelve, I already knew that I wanted to be a dancer. After graduating from Brest, I attended the Centre International de danse jazz Rick Odums in Paris and then the Académie Internationale de Danse which allowed me to work as an apprentice on the musical comedy Mozart The Rock Opera. By chance or destiny, it is then that I met Sophie Bernardin, who advised me to auditon at Crazy Horse Paris. Back then, though, I wasn’t at all interested. Only about eighteen months later did I finally audition. That’s when I really knew what I wanted to do in my life! I love what I do! I never dreamed of loving a job as much as I do this one! I also enjoy performing at other venues from time to time, in order to add a bit of variety and broaden my dancing horizons. For example, I participated in the Mugler Follies, also an incredible experience.


What do you recall from your first times at the Crazy?

When I got here, I had to forget much of what I’d learned in my classical dancing lessons, in so far as placement and posture is concerned and learn the codes of Crazy Horse Paris. It was quite difficult, but then again, a whole new world opened up to me, the legendary stage, the magnificent costumes, the feminine accesories, the incredible shoes… I very quickly took a liking to it! Shortly thereafter, I went on the international tour. During these tours I had some of the most beautiful memories of my career.


What’s life like for a Crazy Girl on tour?

It’s wild and exciting! The troupe’s got a tour director, a show manager, a costume designer, a general stage manager and four technicians. The adventure leads us all over the world with all our decors, stage accessories, baggages full of costumes… it’s amazing! The show is different on tour and called Forever Crazy. I love this very Parisian show, a bit vintage, but above all cheerful and bright. The Crazy Horse stage in Paris is small and its charm lies in its intimacy and nuance. On tour, on the other hand, the venues are huge and so much more based on exuberance and the spectacular.


How would you describe yourself?

I’d say joyfulness, generosity, nervousness, nostalgia… and I’m hypersensitive! Sometimes that poses a problem when I’m on stage, but it’s actually an advantage. I’m often given very passionate or dramatic acts, because I love strong emotions and enjoy navigating between strength and hypersensitivity.


What in your life are you most proud of?

The first time my mother came to see me dance at the Crazy Horse, she came with my little sister and my grandmother who’d always loved the Crazy Horse and had known the shows from Alain Bernardin’s time. When I had finished my performance, they were all three in tears. So I told myself: “If I can transmit that emotion to the women in my life, it means that I’m on the right track.” Having seen them be proud of me, made me also proud of myself.


Which Crazy Horse act is dearest to your heart?

I love Upside Down. In this number, the audience sees us in a mirror, which creates a mysterious, vaporous, aquatic atmosphere. With their costumes and shiny caps, the dancers remind me of nymphs covered in water droplets. It’s a visually sublime and extremely popular act that I love to perform.

Discover Lila Magnetic in video : 

Photos : Ricardo Tinelli, Victor Point, Alberto Baracchini
Video : Paul-Henri Pesquet

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