Scène Attitude Crazy Horse By Antoine Poupel
Scène Attitude Crazy Horse By Antoine Poupel
Scène Attitude Crazy Horse By Rémi Desclaux
Scène Attitude Crazy Horse By Antoine Poupel
Or three?
Or six ??
Scène Attitude Crazy Horse By Antoine Poupel

Attitude : a midsummer night’s Crazy Dream

One? Two? Or is it three? How many dancers are moving around inside these great big radiant rings twirling in the dark? Draped in multicolored diamonds and fine rhinestones, the Crazy Girls sweep you along in their vibrant dance to a beguiling musical score by Jacques Morali. Their svelte figures, that of ballet dancers, appear to be defying gravity, floating in space. Dallying with your perceptions, mirrors reflect their delicate silhouettes and their gentle movements multiply, bewitch, bedazzle…


A music box at Crazy Scale

An illustrious classic of the Crazy Horse repertoire, the large fluorescent hoops in which the performers dance on the quaint stage of the cabaret, otherwise plunged into the darkness. The play of lights and projections for which Crazy Horse Paris is known world-wide, are at their very best in “Attitude”.
Andrée Deissenberg came up with the idea of adding mirrors, giving the scene the feel and look of a giant music box, in which the ballerinas spin round and round in an enchanting and intimate atmosphere. Tails, they brave their own reflections in the mirrors; heads, they caress the audience with their mesmerizing eyes. From attitude to ornament, there’s but one small step, which they perform with grace.

Faithful followers, enter the circle of these celestial creatures, before they fade away into darkness…

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