Danseuse Gloria Di Parma Crazy Horse Paris
The curves are all stirred up! The curves of the stock market that is! But our Crazy businesswoman isn’t one to take it lying down…
Danseuse Gloria Di Parma Crazy Horse Paris
Dancer Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris By Victor Point
Dancer Lila Magnetic Crazy Horse Paris By Victor Point
Dancer Coco Vanille Crazy Horse Paris By RĂ©mi Desclaux

This scene from today mocks clichés and offers a unique and irreverent view of the financial crisis that shook the West in 2008.

The scene Crisis? What crisis! was created by Philippe Decouflé for the show Désirs, inspired by the sub-prime financial crisis of 2008 in the United States. The French choreographer stages a female president of a multinational corporation who is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. A game of seduction begins on the legendary Parisian cabaret stage, with the exchange rates of the Paris stock exchange projected against the backdrop. The indices are getting more and more erratic as the clothes start flying off.

I tried to contribute to the renewal in in a context of continuity by using the language and tools of today” said DĂ©couflĂ© to the AFP.

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