Scene Lay Laser Lay Crazy Horse Paris By Rémi Desclaux
Scene Lay Laser Lay Crazy Horse Paris By Rémi Desclaux
it’ll make you giddy!
Scene Lay Laser Lay Crazy Horse Paris By Rémi Desclaux
Scene Lay Laser Lay Crazy Horse Paris By Rémi Desclaux
Created by Alain Bernardin
About love and desire
Scène Lay Laser Lay Crazy Horse By Antoine Poupel

Lay Laser Lay… it’ll make you giddy! 

In order to perform this grand classic of Crazy Horse Paris repertoire, every solo dancer must accept the rules of the game: to dig deep into her soul and lose herself in the meanders of her emotions in order to find all the fury and frailty that define femininity. Lay Laser Lay puts this demand on the dancers, which makes it one of the Crazy Girls’ favorite acts.

Piercing through the lasers and plumes of smoke that engulf the stage, her eyes defy and seduce you… Impossible not to be moved by this tantalizing creature aiming directly at your heart.


Technical and emotional sophistication

From up high on her perch, her attitude becoming altitude, the dancer proudly dominates the dark hall. Her hair wet, her body electrified as green lazers give her the feel of the forbidden fruit and her movements sensually disperse the clouds of smoke that surround her. On one hand, she seems to be trapped between the beams of light and on the other, absolute mistress of this indefinitely spinning wheel, like time flying by, unrelenting… Lay Laser Lay is certainly the most baffling of all Totally Crazy! show acts you will be witnessing.

This act, created by Alain Bernardin, combines both technical, as well as choreographic sophistication, an extremely challenging performance. “Lay Laser Lay is an act about love and desire, about doubt and certainty, about giving, holding onto, loving, going forward, turning back… it’s women in all their complexity”, explains Andrée Deissenberg, General Manager Creation and Development.


Visually this scene is dark and hazy, filled with saturated colours that plunge you into the aesthetics of a science-fiction movie, lightyears away from what you would normally see in a cabaret. But emotionally, the sublime character from Lay Laser Lay dancing to Oscar Benton’s plaintive voice and his famous Bensonhurst Blues, brings you back to the present and connects you with your emotions. Enjoy the moment, you are privy to an atemporal and major act of the Crazy Horse cabaret.

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